#BCM112 the-the-the- THE GLITCH?!?!

Craft. Glitch. Two different things, right?

One is a beautiful art-form that all artists aspire to achieve and the other, a simply annoying computing error…right?


In the modernised world, even glitches have become have a craft in themselves, the result being- a completely altered meaning of what is a craft and how it is used.

Glitch Art: is the combination of “highly saturated rainbow stripes and white noise chopping up an image, pixelated video streams in which the subjects’ words don’t match up with the audio, shimmering and twitching spots in video games” (Roy, 2014) and the result looks a little something like this:

12928260_221804898180302_6166505986978938697_n-glitched-3-22-2017-5-36-21-PM(this photo is from my Year 12 formal, for those wondering)

This interesting art form has shown the beauty of distortion in the world, by looking at it from a different (and warped) viewpoint it provides another side to society’s story. It shows that to achieve beauty, you do not need to aim for perfection but simply own the flaws within your own life and society as a whole and use them to your advantage.

This reminds me of  #FEFO- Fail Early, Fail Often. Through the process of making many mistakes you will eventually achieve your goal and the glitch who had humble beginnings by starting out as a simple fault within computer systems has now proved that. Glitches now have a captive audience within society with it’s aesthetics and simple, misguided beauty.

I believe this can be linked back to “Medium is the Message” the message is encapsulated through the medium of distortion, it shows of the true nature of the message, and in this case society, and provids a more meaningful understanding of the artists intentions.


giphy (4).gif


In the ‘glitch art’ world, everything you make is craft, nothing is wrong nothing can be called bad because everything is flawed and shows its imperfections, this is what attracts society to the art-form, it encapsulates so much more than a computer error, it shows the rawness of society and has created a community of followers and had redefined the idea of craft, which has helped broaden the understanding of society and the acceptance as well.


The world is made to be #aestheticAF.



Reference List:

M, Roy, GLITCH IT GOOD: UNDERSTANDING THE GLITCH ART MOVEMENT, The Periphery,  December 2014, viewed the 22nd March 2017, http://www.theperipherymag.com/on-the-arts-glitch-it-good/

34 thoughts on “#BCM112 the-the-the- THE GLITCH?!?!

  1. Hey Amanda! I was kinda confused during our lecture about this but you explained it really well. I am glad you wrote about the topic and gave lots of examples. At first I was like why would we want glitchy art? but now I am realizing it’s a form of art in itself and that’s the whole point. Way to go and keep it up!


  2. Hey Amanda, awesome blog. I really liked how you linked back to the (dreaded) week 2 topic – the medium is the message. It gives your blog a richer context and your readers a deeper understanding. If anything, I would have gone into ‘craft’ a little more, just to give us some additional background at the start. I thought it was fantastic to link the final paragraph back to broader society. I think these examples http://www.cultofmac.com/409816/siri-abortion-glitch/ and http://www.telegraph.co.uk/technology/2016/04/05/siri-bug-lets-anyone-spy-on-your-iphones-photos-and-address-book/ further your message about the implications of glitches and how giving an element of control to machines can affect our lives! Keep it up, super excited about your digital artefact 🙂


    1. Hey Keira, Thank-you so much! I will definitely look into these examples, and try explain the background of things for my next blog, thanks for the heads up on that one! I’m hoping my D.A. works out thanks again 🙂


  3. Hi Amanda! I think this was really well written. I enjoyed reading it and it showed a different take on this topic. I think you could improve it by including more about the medium is the message. This particular website (a blog post created by Charu Maithani) has some good content regarding the link between that concept and glitch art; https://anaanaas.wordpress.com/texts/glitch-and-error-implications-in-aesthetics-and-communication/.
    Also, adding more information on the role of it society would have been good! You raised an interesting point about it redefining craft; I think researching more on this topic could be interesting. I loved the title, and the meme, especially. Overall, this was a really good blog post!!


  4. Hi Amanda, Excellent job in explaining “the glitch”! I was struggling to grasp the concept during this week’s lecture but you made it extremely clear and easy to understand in your blog post. I particularly like how you explained that glitches have become a craft in themselves. What started out as a simple fault within computer systems has now transformed into something that can be considered beautiful and artistic. If you have time check out this article on the history of Glitch art it’s a really interesting read and you could use this in further analysing the glitch phenomenon – http://kernelmag.dailydot.com/issue-sections/features-issue-sections/12265/glitch-art-history/


    1. Hey Tayla, Thanks for the link, will check that out for sure! I’m glad you enjoyed my blog post and I helped make it a little clearer, it really was hard to grasp this week! I Thanks again 🙂


  5. Hi Amanda! First off you had me hooked with your Inbetweeners thumbnail but because I didn’t write about glitch art this week I actually found this really interesting to read! I think you are identifying an art form that will become much more popular in the next few years because flaws are always fabulous. Although I didn’t read too much into glitch art or anything I did find some really beautiful forms on it (mashable FTW) http://mashable.com/2013/09/03/glitch-art/ Happy blogging!!


  6. Hey Amanda, this is great blog. Not only informative but also entertaining. Personally l was a little confused on how glitches are a work of art and how they tie into our course, but your explanation really cleared it up for me. I really liked how you added in your own personal glitch (being the formal picture). Also adding in #FEFO, that’s great, gives your blog a real spin to it. I found an article on Wired which shows extraordinary glitches in artwork that gives the image a whole new meaning, this article also helped me in understanding on how a fault in a photo brings a new beauty. This is the website, check it out -> https://www.wired.com/2014/10/wonderfully-twisted-photos-glitch-art-guru/
    Can’t wait to see more blogs of your’s further down the track 🙂


  7. Hi Amanda, I really enjoyed reading your blog post this week. It is well written and clarifies the connection between craft and glitches in relation to the BCM112 course content. I was particularly impressed to see the incorporation of The Medium is The Message to further the audiences understanding surrounding the relationship with this concept and digital making. Props for also mentioning #FEFO – this directly relates to digital craft as online modifications of images can lead to unexpected outcomes, as you demonstrated with your remediations of glitch art! I would suggest you could’ve elaborated on “aesthetic” in the paragraph where you address “beauty of distortion” – there is a great video on our BCM112 Moodle page if you want to check that out. Overall though, this is a wonderful piece and quite hard to fault. Keep up the great work!
    – Montana


  8. Hey Amanda, fantastic blog and an awesome outlook on this topic.
    Isn’t it strange how anything, even glitches in an old VHS can become a craft or art form?
    It is true, the medium can be the message. In this case the medium is whirring, buzzing, broken and glitching. But this can still create a clear message, can’t it?
    I like your subtle comment above your image “this world is made to be #aestheticAF” – you should definitely broaden this idea in this post, on another platform or even just read up on it- i found it fascinating! 🙂 good luck with your future blogging, I am excited to see more from you!


    1. Hi Jessica, yes it is amazing how clear messages can still be made from something so basic and distorted. I am definitely going to try and broaden my understanding and writing about the aesthetics, a few people have suggested this. Appreciate the comment, thanks! Good luck with your own 🙂


      1. I am loving looking at everyone else’s blogs at the moment and developing my own understanding on so many new levels 🙂 you and I are the only ones so far who have uploaded from our BCM112 class, feel free to check mine out too, features a little about aesthetics!


  9. Hey Amanda! I found this a really engaging blog, I was so lost in the lecture when we were discussing glitch art. I left wondering why people would want to recreate it. However, your post really bridged the gap for me. The use of your Formal photo was a great touch adding authenticity to the post. I liked how you linked it in with ‘The Medium is the Message,’ it showed your overall understanding of the topic we are studying.

    I was intrigued after reading your post to find some other examples of glitch art. If you haven’t looked on Pintrest yet, you should check it out here: https://au.pinterest.com/search/pins/?q=glitch%20art&rs=typed&term_meta%5B%5D=glitch%7Ctyped&term_meta%5B%5D=art%7Ctyped

    Thanks so much for sharing. I’m excited to read more from you. Keep it up!
    – Skye

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Skye, thank-you so much. Before this lecture, I also wondered why people would want to create glitch art-it’s such an unusual way to express one’s self. I actually haven’t looked at Pinterest, thanks for the suggestion I will have to check it out! Thanks again 🙂


  10. Hey Amanda! 😉
    I thoroughly enjoyed your post on the beauty and art of glitches. It is an interesting type of genre and I liked how you acknowledged that when you make glitch art, not only do you get a modified version of a file, but also a different perspective from it. Your last paragraph was my favourite, as you outlined the importance and value this type of art has on society. It shows us that everything you create (imperfections and all) is art, which you can then use to learn and grow from your mistakes #FEFO.


  11. I found the link you made between FEFO and the creation of new mediums really interesting, and I feel like it could probably constitute a blog post of its own. Failure, while typically seen as a ‘bad’ thing, not only reveals what doesn’t work, but often opens up opportunities to discover unpredictable new mediums of expression.
    Failure is an unavoidable part of life, and not examining or learning from failures is a wasted opportunity. For me, glitch art is about accepting that nothing can remain perfect forever, and celebrating the fact that it is so.


    1. Hey, I’m glad you liked the link. Yes, failure is actually really amazing when you look at it from that point of view. It’s amazing how something we regard as a bad thing can lead to something brilliant. Thanks 🙂


  12. I love the idea of the ‘ aesthetic’ and the whole concept of glitch art. I thought you’re post was really well written, and I like the way you used your formal photo and manipulated it to provide an example of Glitch art. Really fascinating read! If I was to be nit-picky, I would’ve maybe just discussed how glitch-art has been used in a meme-consuming society e.g. Simpsons Shitposting. But good job 🙂


  13. Loved the intrinsic link you insinuated between, the medium (as distortion) being the message in itself. It tied in really well in your explanation of digital craft, and supported your thesis; ‘In the modernised world, even glitches have become have a craft in themselves, the result being- a completely altered meaning of what is a craft and how it is used.’ Not sure about you, but I absolutely adore the idea that craft can be extended farther than a paintbrush and a canvas. And that digital transformations have contributed to the redefinition of craft as we know it.
    If I may, although your content and your ideas were phenomenal, I believe it is important to proof-read or have a peer read over your work, as it is sometimes difficult to pick up on your own grammatical/ punctuation errors. This may be nitpicking, but I think that if you improved these aspects just a little more, it would really assist in the flow of work. This would allow your piece to be easier to read, and much more engageable! Also, considering you’re posting this stuff online, with the possibility of the entire world viewing it, it’s probably in your best interest to make it as polished as possible!
    Regardless, you’ve thoroughly identified the vitality of considering the medium in order to comprehend its meaning.
    Great post! Best wishes.


    1. Hi Christine, thanks for the heads up, I will definitely check and have more people proof read next time! And I agree with you about how crafts can extend further than paintbrushes, it is so interesting. Thanks again 🙂


  14. Hey Amanda!
    I think this was such an interesting take on the idea of “the glitch”, especially the idea that it encapsulates that even imperfections can be seen as craft and worth of being replicated! I also really liked that you “glitched” some of your own images, the world map one actually turned out really pretty!
    Lastly, I love how you linked it back to the medium is the message, a concept I’m still trying to grasp (after a year ahhhhhh!). Maybe if I start applying it to all concepts I learn, such as you have done, it’ll aid my understanding a lot more!
    Well done on a great post, I’ll be sure to look out for the next few!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi, thank-you so much for your comment! The medium is the message is hard to grasp, it’s taking me over a year to get it (and I’m still questioning my understanding haha) I’m glad you liked the glitched photos, I was pleased with how they came out. Thank again for your comment, good luck with your own blogging 🙂 x


  15. Hi Amanda, really enjoyed the blog, honestly at the lecture I was a little confused about this whole idea about a Glitch. However, after reading your blog posts it was simple and easy to understand. It felt like you were talking and explaining it to me which is a really good thing as it keeps your audience engaged to what you are talking about. The picture from the formal was a really good idea as it gives a more personal touch. Overall a really good blog posts. Hope to keep reading your blog post. Have a great midsession break.
    Thanks for sharing



  16. Hi Amanda,
    Really liked your blog, cleared the whole confusion of ‘Glitch’ that I had. The blog show’s a lot of content that links to various topics of bcm112 lectures which I personally really liked because it doesn’t only give you information on one topic it gives you a vast amount of content for you to read and understand.

    A lot of student (Like Me) do not know how to make Glitch arts, the blog would be even more informative if you’d explain the required sites or apps one could use to get familiar with Glitch Art.
    Sites like: https://www.theverge.com/2013/9/13/4726098/glitch-art-generator-snorpey-github
    Would really help.
    Otherwise a really nicely put down blog. Would love to read more of your work.


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